I don't want this day to end
This day that is still yesterday
I yearn to give myself
to the waiting arms of sleep
but bid you leave my memory whole
here in my shimmering body
of this day the veil thinned
and I was kissed
or swept away
by God Herself
who found a way
to powerfully say
No, not that way
It's not the end
It's just begun
Hang on
Have faith
She's coming
the you you have been waiting for
the loving soul who sent the call
She's nearly here
You're nearly there
She's been you all along
I'm so ready for this day to end
This day so far from yesterday
I yearn to give myself
to the waiting arms of sleep
And bid you wipe my memory clean
Release it from my body
This day the clouds were thick
And I was lost
Or swept away
From God Herself
Who fell silent
Save the longing of my heart
The fear in my bones
And some low, quiet voice
Hang on
I have no reason
Won't fake no rhyme
I can't know what's coming
Can't prove the call
But this too is holy
This too belongs
So bear down on
And wait for the dawn
13th / 14th Oct '22
Loved 'Hanging on'. Seemed a point of arrival in some sense. And being held in that.
Yes, yes. Exactly this. The yo-yo.