I’m reaching for things
To put in my mouth
An insatiable hunger
For a comfort
I can’t quite name
But am desperate to fill
The wide-eyed one
Stands vigilant within me
Distressed but somehow muted
I don’t hear her directly
Or see the tears fall
I just watch my hand
Deliver chocolate
By stealth mission
So I pause
Put the bullets away
And turn towards her
I feel you, dear one
Hiding from view
Though you may be
And I get it
You’ve just been asked
If you’ll give up
The little you feel you have left
It’s terrifying
There’s no good reason
You can see
But every good reason
If you believe
That being asked to give
Every last thing away,
Feeling poised on the edge
Of a void that wreaks
Of an oblivion
You won’t return from
Is soul-code for pending
Precisely what we asked for
It’s just much scarier
When no longer sitting safely
In the virtual realms of metaphor
Instinct fears dissolution
The wild unknown
But death is the
Fecund, dark secret
To any new life
We are being dreamed for
So take my hand
Cause I’ve got Love’s
And we’re just about to jump.
(Yes, you can bring the chocolate)
15th Oct
Oh boy - right where I am, Jackie. Stanzas 6-8. Ex. Act. Ly.