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Jacqueline Sheridan

Arriving at Gillard's Beach, not a soul to be seen on the broad stretch of white sand, I was a little disappointed. It didn't capture me in any way, and I considered just moving on, but I could see some rock formations down to my left and decided to at least go and check them out before I gave up and looked for something more 'significant'.

It's consistently amazing what we disregard if we don't take the time to look properly, and make sure we know what's truly within reach. Up close - and yes, personal - these rock formations were utterly astounding. Their colour, form, texture and line, the artistic genius alongside the geological marvel was awe inspiring. I was almost shocked by the impact they had on me.

The tide was coming in and I could see that there was something more around this initial headland, but the water was already lapping up against the rock so I climbed onto a slightly outlying boulder to strain my neck, but whatever was around there, was going to remain a mystery.

So I spent ages admiring, taking photos, feeling, sitting with, touching, and delighting in these incredible Beings - aware that once again, rock was drawing me closer. It had turned into a nice visit after all :)

And I had said my goodbyes and turned and taken a number of steps towards the car, when the shockingly obvious thought popped into my head: "The only reason you are not seeing what is around the corner is because you didn't take your shoes off and walk through the water."

Holy crap.

The barrier to my experience was entirely self-made, and generated by a context / construct that was defined around staying safe, of being 'disconnected'. Why on earth did I still have shoes and socks on anyway?? I mean yes... it was quite cold... but still! I turned in an instant, berated myself, then was a little gentler, with curiosity about this crazy blind spot I had just encountered.

Back at the rocks, I took my shoes and socks off, rolled up my jeans and waited a little for the swell to subside. If course the tide had come in a little further by this stage. I chose my time, stepped in, and hurried to higher ground. Made it. Then another... and then a wave snuck up on me and drenched my jeans. I laughed out loud. In that wondrous moment, it really felt like Ocean was playing with me, jeering almost, saying; "Really? Just your shoes and socks??"

I had reached another tiny little inlet beach cove and was 'safe', but there was still another rock face to round if I was going to get a clear view of this 'mystery'. So I said, yet again out loud... "alright, alright, I'll play!" And took my jeans off entirely.

Next wave got my butt.

I laughed out loud again and finally registered the full invitation to engage completely, playfully, nakedly in this little world of wonder and magic. And so I told Ocean that I'd come play with wild abandon when I could get back round to where I'd left my shoes. I'd just check out this final view first.

And holy hell. I rounded the corner and was met by the most magnificent, striking, powerful formation that took my breath away and captured me, body, mind and soul.

I made my way to this sacred Being, to place my hands on Her, convinced that she was my portal, my 'Outlander' opportunity to be transported to another time and place. My soul possibly did take that journey. My body, sadly, remained. But I couldn't stop making sighing kinds of sounds, and repeating "holy shit" a lot, and wondering if this level of stunned awe, was in fact, my own resonant knowing. How much of the ecstatic wonder I feel, is itself my registering of the power of a place, not just the power of my amazement? Because if this is truly a lightning rod for my Knowing, my connection and kinship with Place, then I need look not further.

Perhaps there is something sacredly simple about this connection I'm seeking. If love and awe pour out of me toward an Other - of any kind or form - then perhaps that is never a one-way offering. Perhaps the simple generosity of this extraordinary Earth, is a reciprocal outpouring, or at least a taking up of the light-thread of love that flows from me and holding the illumination from its end too. Or maybe it is me who picks up the thread, already and firstly offered to me. As if this exquisite Rock-Being had been waiting for me all long, eager to share an encounter.

This is a seamless and familiarly comforting thought in theory, but when I really think about Ocean playing with me, splashing me, really engaging with me, or these rocks all sentiently, lovingly, personally reaching out to me... I am floored and bewildered. For me??

My cold skinny dip was as glorious as it was liberating, and I could almost feel the mud being washed away from the gold...

And then, as if for a final anointing, White-Bellied Sea Eagle soared, slowly, right over my head and I spread my wings, just like hers, and once again declared a wholehearted "yes", naked in the ocean, to the magical fulfilment of the Call. Right here right now. I'm here, and I'm available.

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I love this, Jqi. Throwing yourself into the experience with wild abandon (and catching yourself when you aren’t). x


Based in Castlemaine & Warburton, Victoria, Australia

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